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  • A VPN from your SB provider allows you from home, to take advantage of that fact, your network activity can appear to be originate from the IP address of your seedbox. Not exposing your home address to where every you go. Much like a proxy. So web browsing, ie signing up for a tracker, can appear to come from your seedbox.
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How to Download Files from your Seedbox using FTP Access?

How to Download Files from your Seedbox using FTP Access. This guide will help you understand that how you can download your files from your Seedbox using FTP Access. Our Seedbox comes with multiple options for downloading files. Like you can download files using FTP, HTTP and what not. This guide is for FTP ACCESS Only. For other methods, you can click the links below.

How to Download Files from your Seedbox using HTTP Access.

Auto Download files from Seedbox.

This guide is for only our Seedbox, as our Seedbox comes with a Special Seedbox Control Panel designed for our server only, and is optimized with our clients in mind.

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You can order it from here – 100mbps Seedbox, High Storage Seedbox or 1GBPS Seedbox & Linux VPS.

Our Seedbox comes with 2 modes, FTP & SFTP. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, and SFTP stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol. As the name suggests, SFTP is much secure than FTP, however, it is slow too, due to encryption.

You need to use a FTP software like Filezilla, there are many other software on the market, but Filezilla is one of the best and free to use.

Steps to Download files from Filezilla.

  1. Filezilla login details are same as of Seedbox. Port is 21 for FTP & 22 for SFTP.
  2. Login to Filezilla using port 21 or 22. (Considering you already bought one of our 100mbps Seedbox, High Storage Seedbox or 1GBPS Seedbox & Linux VPS.)
  3. After Login, all your files are stored in /downloads/.
  4. Here, you will see List of all the torrents you have in ruTorrent, Deluge or SABnzb.
  5. Once you click Select the folder/file you want to download, Right Click and then press Download. It will be downloaded to the location selected on the left window of Filezilla.
  6. Bous Tip: You can download complete folders & files using this method.

This is a bit harder method than HTTP, However, it is more convenient once set.


  1. Can Pre-Set all the credentials, so you can connect easily using FTP Manager in Filezilla.
  2. Easy to navigate.
  3. SFTP is much more secured.
  4. Can download multiple files/folders at once.


  1. SFTP can be slower due to encryption.
  2. FTP is less secured but SFTP makes it up with encryption.
  3. You have to trade between speed and security.

There are a few more methods to download files from the Seedbox, You can click the following links to access and see them.

CRACK FileCraft VPN YouTube Views Proxy Seedbox [V.0

How to Download Files from your Seedbox using HTTP Access.


Auto Download files from Seedbox.

You can order Seedbox from here – 100mbps Seedbox, High Storage Seedbox or 1GBPS Seedbox & Linux VPS.

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To download files from the seedbox we recommend that you use FileZilla FTP client, it is possible to download it on the following link:

The client is available for Windows, MAC and Linux..
Once installed and opened, you will be presented with a program which for some users might seem confusing, but you only need 3 items to connect to your FTP.

  1. Hostname
  2. Username
  3. Password (Make sure you don't copy a space at the end of the password!)

These are all included in the welcome email that you got from us during the signup.
Once the program is opened you will be presented with the following options at the top of the client.
The informations need to be inserted into the fields in the same order as they were listed above, once you have inserted them hit the quickconnect and it will load.
When you connect the first time, you will be presented with the following message:
Make sure you tick the option: 'Always trust certificate in future sessions.'
A few things to be aware of when connecting:

  • Make sure you have the right folder in the LEFT square, as that's the download location
  • To download a file from the seedbox, right click and hit download
  • If you are already actively downloading, right click and hit 'Add to Queue'
  • We always use standard ports for our default services, if you wish to use FTP or FTPS, connect on port: 21 (or leave it blank), if you wish to use SFTP, connect on port: 22

The bottom part of FileZilla will show you ongoing transfers, including the total queued size.
If you are experiencing slow download speeds via FTP, please head over to this article: Slow FTP speeds