Xbox360 Control Emulator Mac

reWASD functionality expands with each release, and since reWASD 4.0 came out it can be rightfully called an Xbox controller emulator. Why is that good, you may ask? We will reveal the answer to this, and many other questions in this blog post. If you already know you need an Xbox 360 controller emulator you can go right to the how-to-use part. Or if you’ve already tried to use the virtual controller, and the game doesn’t recognize the input — go right to the troubleshooting :)

Connect the Xbox 360 Controller to your Mac Now you’ve installed the driver, the next step is to connect the controller, which is simple and only needs to be done once. Firstly, you need to plug the USB receiver into a free USB port on your Mac. Once plugged in, the USB receiver’s light should start blinking. Run XBOX 360 Controller emulator (libs) on Mac, Linux & Chrome OS. XBOX 360 Controller emulator is a wrapper library that translates the XInput calls to DirectInput calls, allowing support for non-XInput devices in some games. In CrossOver, XInput is not implemented so this.

How can Xbox controller emulator be useful?

A bit of theory: reWASD emulates the Xbox 360 controller, and that takes the functionality to the new level. You can assign Toggle, Turbo to controller button actions, and create controller button key combos. As a result, the game will recognize the controller input, except it will be not a physical gamepad, but the one an Xbox controller emulator created.

reWASD hides your physical controller from the system, and there’s only the virtual one recognized by Windows and applications. You can see if it works if you open joy.cpl. Open Windows search (by pressing Win keyboard button, for example), enter joy.cpl and press Enter. The following window opens:

Basically, this is what happens when you press Apply and have Virtual Xbox 360 mappings in your config. The physical controller disappears, and there’s a virtual one instead. When you turn remap OFF the Virtual controller disappears, and the physical one is back on track. You can see it on this gif:

Xbox 360 controller emulator is also irreplaceable for the cases when you have a PlayStation, Switch Pro or Joy-Con controller, and the game doesn’t recognize it, but works well with any Xbox controller. That happens quite often with the games that came out quite a long time ago, or if they simply don’t support any gamepads except Xbox ones (for example such as Dragon Age: Inquisition, Monster Hunter World, Final Fantasy XIV, SOULCALIBUR VI, Volgarr the Viking, Life is Strange, etc.).

Xbox360 Control Emulator Mac

How do I use the Xbox 360 controller emulator?

There are a few steps that are common for each of the further cases:

Xbox 360 controller emulator mac os x
  1. Download reWASD from the official website, install it on your PC and reboot it
  2. Create a new profile, the config is added automatically
  3. Enable Autodetect: assign the *.exe file so the config apply automatically when the application is in focus

Case 1: I just want to enable controller support for any-gamepad-except-Xbox-controller

If you’re dealing with the game that only sees Xbox controllers which you don’t have, it’s just a three-clicks-situation:

  • Press the magic wand below the image of controller
  • Pick Virtual Xbox 360
  • Press Apply
About Joy-Cons: make sure to create a pair of those first, and then you can use the Xbox 360 controller emulator in its full swing. Plug both Joy-Cons to your PC, pick one of them in the lower-left corner, click on the Group icon, and create a group of devices. Now you’re good to go!

Case 2: I want to Toggle/Turbo a controller key, or make a controller buttons combo

  • Pick the controller key, put the mark on Toggle/Turbo or add a keycombo
  • Press apply

Case 3: I want to change the controller layout completely!

This one takes a bit more time to create. Take your time and reassign the keys one by one, to make the perfect layout. To make this process easier, pay attention to the icons near reWASD mapping list: unclick keyboard and mouse to leave controller binds only, this will make the process quicker.

Why should I hide the physical controller before I use Xbox controller emulator?

Nice question. When you create a virtual controller, there may occur double input both from the physical and virtual gamepads. Or the game will just focus on the physical gamepad and ignore all the mappings you have added in the config, which is also definitely not the thing you are trying to achieve. So basically, what you need to do is to open Preferences — General, and check if Hide physical controller when the virtual one is added.

What to do if the game doesn’t respond to the Xbox controller emulator config?

Seems like some troubleshooting is required, and we’re about to help you out. Some games detect the input device on the launch, so if you don’t apply the new Xbox 360 controller emulator config before you launch the game it may not see the virtual gamepad. The game will recognize the physical controller as the main one, and when you switch to the virtual gamepad — the physical gamepad is hidden from the system, and the game ignores the virtual reWASD controller. Such a thing happened to the virtual gamepad in the games like PUBG, Fortnite, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Warframe — the game ignores it.

Rocket League was also kind of a struggle for our Xbox controller emulator because the game detects a ‘new’ controller each time you replug your gamepad. And eventually, there were several controllers at once, even though there’s only the Virtual one emulated by reWASD.

So! A quick guide for troubleshooting an Xbox One controller emulator & games. Let’s imagine you already have a config, and it’s just a game that doesn’t recognize the input:

  1. When you add virtual controller mappings, you need to hide the physical gamepad first. The paragraph above explains why that is the best option.
  2. If you found out that the game doesn’t recognize the input from the gamepad created by Xbox controller emulator, try to relaunch the game with applied config.
  3. If the steps above don’t help, we kindly ask you to enable remap on startup. First of all, open reWASD Preferences, choose to Use Tray Agent and Enable autoremap on startup:
  4. Then you need to check your Windows Startup preferences. To do that, open Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc shortcut), press More details, open the Startup tab and make sure that our Xbox 360 controller emulator is enabled, otherwise it won’t work.

    Once it’s done, open reWASD, turn remap ON and reboot your PC. After the PC turns on again, wait till reWASD icon appears in Tray and the green circle appears near it (this means that remap is ON). Then try to launch the game, and check if your controller works.

  5. There is Step 4 indeed, that will be contacting our support :) We’ll gladfully help you solving your problem. You can do this via Contact support form on our website, Facebook messages, reWASD Forum, or in our Discord channel.

We truly hope that you will not have any problems using our Xbox controller emulator and that your experience will only be positive. We can do our best to help you, and figure out every tiny detail that could have caused the problem. Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube to keep your hand on the pulse. Also, join our Discord text chat for more fun :)

I’ve been experimenting with the marvellous Dolphin Emulator recently. It’s an open source project that allows us to play Nintendo Gamecube and Wii games on modern hardware. Dolphin is available for Windows, OS X and Linux.

I have a wireless Xbox 360 controller for Windows at my disposal, but the only Windows hardware I have is the first generation Surface Pro. While the controller connects without issues, the Surface sadly just isn’t fast enough to run Dolphin.

My more powerful hardware is Mac based, and Dolphin runs great on my Mac Mini. But I had no idea how to connect my Xbox controller to it.

Turns out it’s actually a breeze to setup: let me show you how it worked for me on OS X El Capitan.

Which Xbox Controller am I referring to here

Before we start, let’s clear up a small misunderstanding that may arise with Xbox controllers. The Xbox 360 came with wireless controllers that used to hook up directly to the console. Those are great, but traditionally there was no way to connect them to anything else (they don’t use standard Bluetooth).

To alleviate this, Microsoft have released two versions of this controller for PC gamers: the Xbox 360 Controller for Windows (wired, USB cable attached), and a more elegant version called the Wireless Xbox 360 Controller for Windows (same controller as the one that came with the Xbox 360, plus a wireless USB dongle).

Xbox 360 Control Emulator Mac Download

Either controller will work fine, here’s a picture of the one I’m using:

Installing the Xbox 360 controller’s driver

No official Mac drivers are available for the Xbox controllers, but Colin Munro developed one back in 2005. The project was forked and further developed on GitHub, where you can find the latest version. Head over to the Releases section and download an installable DMG archive.

After installing the driver, you’ll find a new item under System Preferences called Xbox 360 Controllers:

Plug in your wireless USB dongle now and press the big X button to connect the controller to the dongle (I’m assuming it’s already been paired). Wired controllers simply plugin to the USB port and are connected immediately.

Open the preference pane to verify this: when connected, your controller should show up in the list.

The driver will read the controller’s input, but it won’t map anything you do to what a game might expect (for example, press the space bar to jump in a platform game). To use the controller with anything other than Dolphin, you’ll need a small utility that will interpret controller input and translate it to keyboard and mouse movements, such as Joystick Mapper or Gamepad Companion (both available from the App Store).

However, the Dolphin Emulator has such a mapping option built in, so there’s no need for such tools. Let’s see how to map that Xbox controller so that it behaves just like an old Gamecube controller.

Configuring Dolphin for use with the Xbox 360 Controller

Open Dolphin and head over to GCPad. If you don’t see this option, it will read “Controllers”. That’s an indication that Dolphin can’t see a gamepad, probably because the driver isn’t installed, or it’s disabled. If Dolphin was open while you installed the driver, restart your system.

Click on GCPad and select your Xbox controller under device. By default the button mapping looks like this:

I didn’t quite understand how to change this, but it’s remarkably easy and only takes 30 seconds:

Take a look at the left box entitled Buttons. You’ll see a column of controller buttons (A, B, X, Y, Z, etc) that correspond to the buttons on the original Gamecube controller. By default they’re mapped to keyboard shortcuts you can see in the right column (for example, the Gamecube controller’s A button is mapped to your Mac keyboard’s X button).

To change this, simply click on the mapped shortcut. Turns out the right column in each section is made up of buttons (I didn’t get that at first). Click one and Dolphin will wait a few seconds for you to press what you’d like to map to this button instead (it shows “waiting”). If you’re not fast enough, it’ll revert back to the previous value.

So to setup our controller, simply press the button next to A, then press the corresponding button on your Xbox controller. Do this with every item on the menu, and within less than a minute, you’ll have a fully functional gamepad setup. My results look like this:

You can store this setup if you like: type a suitable name in the Profile field at the top right and hit Save. Dolphin will also remember your setup even if you don’t though.

Configuring DeadZones

See that my C-Stick in the screenshot above is pointing diagonally downwards? This can happen when an analogue stick is moved and then snaps back into the middle. The “middle” isn’t always exactly the same, so every time it snaps back, the controller will deliver a slightly different value.

Microsoft Xbox 360 Emulator

When we come to launch a game, it may happen that this is interpreted as the stick being pushed into this direction, leading to an annoying in-game experience. If your stick is fair and square in the middle (like my left one), you have nothing to worry about. But if you see something like I have on the right, here’s how to fix it.

Microsoft xbox 360 emulator

When connected to a console, game pads usually calibrate themselves every time you launch a game. But because we’re dealing with different software here, we may have to configure Dead Zones to alleviate such issues. Dead Zones are areas around the middle of the stick that are regarded as “the stick is now in the middle, no matter what feedback we get”.

While Dolphin supports this feature, it’s much more visible and easy to understand by opening up the Xbox Controller preference pane again. Head over to the Advanced tab and use the little slider to draw a small square around the middle of each stick’s position. Anything inside that little square is now seen as “the stick is in the middle”, even if it’s off by just a fraction.

Once adjusted, head back to the Dolphin GCPad configuration and map your sticks again (if you had this issue obviously, otherwise ignore my ramblings).

Enjoy Gamecube on your Mac!

That’s really all there’s to it: grab a ROM, select it and start playing. Your Xbox 360 controller will henceforth behave just as if it was a Gamecube controller, and your Mac will behave as if it was a Gamecube (or Wii – although I haven’t figured out how to connect a Wii Remote yet. Watch this space).

Xbox 360 Emulator Online

Not all games will run particularly well, so this isn’t a complete replacement for a games console – but it’s enough for several afternoons of retro gaming fun.

To give you an idea of performance: My dual core i7 MacBook Pro only has an Intel HD3000 graphics card, and it’s struggling. But my quad core i7 MacMini with its Intel HD4000 card plays Pikmin just fine – however it’s still not enough to enjoy Super Mario Sunshine.

If you hook up your Mac to a big screen TV, help your graphics card by switching the output to 720p rather than the default 1080p. It’ll mean less work for your card and a smoother gaming experience (under System Preferences – Displays – select Scaled and pick a resolution).

As always, enjoy!

Xbox 360 Emulator Mac Os