Download Index.php For Xampp

Installing Joomla! Is a very simple process. Beginners want to explore Joomla! And its components, practise and follow a trial & error methodology to develop their dream application. Through Localhost, anyone can install Joomla! Locally into their PC without spending more time and a single penny.

PhpMyAdmin 4.9.7. Released 2020-10-15, see release notes for details. Older version compatible with PHP 5.5 to 7.4 and MySQL 5.5 and newer. Currently supported for security fixes only. Cara Menginstall XAMPP 7.3.7. XAMPP adalah singkatan dari aplikasi dalam ‘paketnya’, yaitu: X (berarti cross-platform, maksudnya tersedia dalam berbagai sistem operasi), Apache Web Server, MySQL / MariaDB, PHP dan Perl. To shorten it up; (with Xampp installed) I have downloaded my site to the hard-drive and is now trying to get it work on 'localhost'. Immediately I sense the absence of an index-file. Do I need to make one myself for the use in localhost? In that case, what am I looking for? Thank you in advance. Step 1: Go to XAMPP website and download XAMPP for Windows OS. Step 2: Let’ say you install it in C: drive. Now, go to htdocs folder, Step 3: Open htdocs and create a new folder myphp for your project. All our project files will get stored here. Step 4: Open the folder myphp and add a file with extension.php. We’re adding a file, index.php.

This is a step by step Installation guide to Download & Install Joomla! In the local Windows PC using XAMPP Localhost. We advise you to do the hands-on while reading this article as a result at the time of complete reading this blog, Joomla! Will start running on your Computer.

Why Joomla!?

Login to server. Localhost ⚯ XAMPP ⚯ phpmyadmin ⚯ localhost:8080 ⚯ localhost:8888 ⚯ localhost:3000 ⚯ localhost:8000 localhost.

Among multiple Content Management systems available, Joomla! Has its very unique and advanced features such as Higher flexibility, Open Source And free, Search Engine Ready, Advanced security, Translation Ready to support Multiple Languages, Strong community of developers.

How to install Joomla?

Go to Joomla Offcial website where you could find a detailed description about Joomla! There is a download section for Joomla! In the Homepage. Click on that section.

In the download page, you would find two different versions of files available to download. One is the Full package version and the other is the upgrade package version. Beginners and new users have to download the full package version available in the left side of the page as below.

How to Install XAMPP in Windows

Go to the website named apachefriends. There you find XAMPP available for different OS versions. Click on XAMPP for Windows option and to download the file on your local PC.

Click on the downloaded installer application file and a separate XAMPP Setup window will open. Select NEXT option to proceed with the installation process.

In the next window, a list of components that can be installed inside the XAMPP software will be shown. Select the components that we have highlighted to run Joomla!

After selecting the components, select NEXT option to proceed further.

In the next window, the installer asks for the target location in the local PC. In Windows, it is advised to install XAMPP in the C-drive.

On the next page, select your preferred language as XAMPP for Windows supports two languages English and Deutsch. We are selecting ENGLISH as the operating language for this tutorial.

After successful selection of the language, click on next and you will find XAMPP file start installing into your local computer and make sure this page arrives.

Complete the installation by selecting the Finish button. Once the installation is completed, the XAMPP control panel will pop up. You can access the control panel of XAMPP anytime using the system tray and the system search option.

In the control panel of XAMPP, Start button to run the applications, Config button to modify the configuration of each application will be available and this control panel also provides a shell scripting option in it. Click on the Start button near Apache and MySQL application in the Control panel and you can track the green running status near to it once the application starts running.

You can now access the admin panel in your browser. Open a new browser session and Type “http://localhost/dashboard/” in a new tab. If the XAMPP installation is successful, you will find the following admin page visible in the browser.

How to Install Joomla! In the XAMPP Localhost

After successful installation of XAMPP, if you have followed all the steps we mentioned accurately, you can find a file called “HTDOCS” in the following mentioned path. Go to C:xampphtdocs and create a new folder and name is related to the reason for this download. We are naming the folder as testsite and we copied all the extracted files of into this folder.

How to create a Database locally for Joomla!

Click on the Admin button near the MySQL application in the XAMPP control panel.

You can find an option named Database in the top left page in the phpMyAdmin page opened in a new page or in a browser. Click on the Database menu.

Create a new database by entering the desired name of the database in the create database tab. Select the type of Database in the next tab. After successfully selecting the database type, click on the create button. For better understanding, we are creating a database with name testsite

How to access Joomla! In your Localhost

Open a new browser session. Make sure your Apache & MySQL are up and running. Type “localhost/testsite” and the Joomla! Installation page will be loaded. The general syntax to access the Joomla! Installation page is “localhost/folder_name (where Joomla! Files resides)”

Also, you can access Joomla! Installation page by using the following URL syntax “localhost/Folder_NAME/installation/index.php

Joomla! The installation process is very simple and the entire procedure contains 3 Main pages named configuration page, Database page, and Overview page, where you have to fill out all the necessary information. Once to move to the next page, it is still possible to come back to the previous page and perform modifications.

You can select your comfortable language on the top of the 1st Installation page The First page has been divided into 2 columns under the Main configuration title. Joomla! Supports multiple languages. In the left column, you have to provide the site name and the purpose of the site you are going to create locally using Joomla!

In Joomla! Superuser has the ultimate control over the site. Everything that has to happen on the site should be done only with the site’s superuser approval. In the right column, you have to fill the valid mail id, Superuser’s username and password details and you need not change the Site offline details. Once you filled all the details, click on the NEXT button.

Now In the Database configuration page, you have to fill all the details of the database that we have already created in the XAMPP Localhost. Select the Database type at first. Here we are selecting MySQLi, Let the hostname be the “hostname” itself. Now setup and username and password for the database that we created for Joomla! Enter the name of the Database as testsite in the Database Name tab. The table prefix is system generated and it is possible to change the table prefix but we are not changing it to avoid confusion and always select Backup option for safety purposes.

In the Overview page, Under Finalisation Joomla! Ask you the nature of the site and if your site fits into any of the four types of site, Joomla! Automatically put the Sample data where you can make modifications and it will be useful for learning purposes. We are selecting the category as NONE.

Also, there will be an overview of Main Configuration, Database Configuration, Pre-Installation check, Recommended Settings displayed in this page for you to double-check whether you have met all the requirements to install Joomla! Into your Local system. If every configuration is met, you can proceed with the installation of Joomla! By selecting the “Install” button on the top-right corner.

You can now see the Joomla! Start installing on your local Windows PC.

After successful installation, you will be redirected to this page. In this page, there will be instructions about multilingual support provided by Joomla! And the ways to access it. Also in the bottom, you would find the “Remove installation Folder” button as shown in the below image. Select the button to remove the unnecessary files created in your local system while installing Joomla! Locally.

In the next page, the email and the username details of the administrator details will be visible for your future access along with the notification about the successful installation of Joomla! And the removal of the Installation folder. Access your site, by selection the Administrator button in the bottom left of the page.

You will be redirected to the Joomla! Login page. Enter your valid credentials and you will be directed to the backend of the site. Thrilled to know how it looks?

Bravo, Now Joomla! Is installed successfully in your local Windows PC and you have created a site using it. You can pat yourself for learning this today.

This is the control panel of Joomla! Which is the backend admin dashboard of the site. From this control panel, you can control every component of the site with ease and comfort. We wish you a Happy Joomla! Experience!

  • 3Windows Installation
    • 3.1Where to Install
  • 4Testing Windows Install
    • 4.2Testing MySQL database server application
  • 7Troubleshooting
    • 7.3Unblocking XAMPP ports
  • 8Document Root Set Up


  • XAMPP site:
  • XAMPP portable download for Windows:
  • XAMPP Wikipedia: XAMPP


XAMPP is a free software bundle that contains Apache HTTP web server, MySQL server, PHP interpreter, phpMyAdmin, and other software.

Run a defragmenter that can move files to the start of the disk On a 60 GB SSD with about 35 GB free space, 'Shrink Volume' in Windows 7 initially freed a paltry 100 MB, but following the steps in the article it was able to free the whole 35 GB. See also the documentation on. You cannot shrink a volume beyond the point where any unmovable files are located Step 1. To do it, navigate to my computer then right-click and select Manage. When the computer management opened click down below on “Disk Management”. Shrink When you use the Disk Management console to shrink the volume in which the Operation System is installed, you’re unable to choose a value (to shrink) beyond a limit. In the shrink volume dialog, the following message is displayed: You cannot shrink a volume beyond the point where any unmovable files are located. When you shrink a partition, certain files (for example, the paging file or the shadow copy storage area) cannot be automatically relocated and you cannot decrease the allocated space beyond the point where the unmovable files are located. If the shrink operation fails, check the Application Log for Event 259, which will identify the unmovable.

The current version of XAMPP is 1.8.1 as of March 1, 2013.

Currently, four distributions are available as follows: Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, and Solaris.

Windows Installation

Where to Install

Precondition for Windows developers: You have downloaded XAMPP or XAMPP USB Lite 1.8.1 to your computer.

Download index.php for xampp versi


Download Index.php For Xampp Installer

  • Install on a hard drive
  • Install on flash drive

Flash drive installation pros

You'll have an entirely portable web server in your pocket, add your favorite browser to the flash drive, and you can plug it into almost any computer and run it.

Flash drive installation cons

It's quite common that you'll unplug your USB flash drive before you stop either the web server or MySQL server. The speed of the USB protocol that your computer or flash drive supports affects the performance of your web apps 'on the stick'.

Important Note: You need to make sure the ports 80 and 3306 are free. These ports can be blocked for several reasons; firewalls, antivirus, Skype, IIS, etc.

Hard Drive Installation

Download Index.php Xampp To Htdocs

  • 1. Download the XAMPP Installer.
  • 2. Run installer and choose the location you would like to install XAMPP at (such as C:xampp).
  • 3. When installation is completed, XAMPP will be found under under Start menu> Programs > XAMPP as well as in the location you choose to install it on your hard drive.

USB Lite Installation

  • Locate the self-extracting archive XAMPP USB Lite file on your computer and double click on it.
  • It opens a menu asking for your primary language. The installer defaults to English. Once you have selected your language click OK to continue.
  • When prompted that a USB drive be needed, click OK. Do not worry as it can be installed to the hard drive.
  • The installer shows a welcoming message. Click Next.
  • Select where you want to install XAMPP. It defaults to C:xampp which is the recommended location if you are doing a hard drive installation. If you are doing a flash drive install, browse to the flash drive and install there. It is suggested to use the root folder of the flash drive.
  • After the destination folder has been selected, click Install to begin the installation process. It will take a few minutes to install. A terminal window will be opened during installation. Do not close the window as it will automatically close by itself.
  • When installation is complete, click Finish, and you're done!

Testing Windows Install

How do you know it works?

  • Go to the xampp directory on the hard drive, c:xampp (or flash drive).
  • At the bottom of the list of files in the xampp directory, there is an executable called xampp-control.exe'.
  • Double click xampp-control.exe file to open the control panel for XAMPP.

The control panel shows two applications that can be started or stopped from the XAMPP control panel: Apache and MySQL.

Testing Apache web server application

  • Start Apache by clicking the Start button associated with it in the XAMPP control panel.
  • Open a browser and type into the address bar.
  • A XAMPP page with selection of languages is displayed. Click on English. It will display a welcome page.
  • Click 'Status' on the left side bar to be sure all services are running.
  • Close the browser and stop the Apache server application from the XAMPP control panel.

Testing MySQL database server application

  • Start MySQL by clicking the Start button associated with it in the XAMPP control panel.
  • Open a command prompt (cmd in Windows), change directory to where the mysql utility is located, and connect to the MySQL server using -u root option for mysql utility.


  • If successful, you are prompted with:
  • Exit the command prompt and stop MySQL server from the XAMP control panel.

Mac Installation

For computers running Mac OS X, the only option available is the full package (version 1.7.3).

The process is as follows:

  • 1. Download the XAMPP program from the link above.
  • 2. Open the DMG file in your downloads folder
  • 3. Drag and drop the XAMPP file to the Applications folder on your Hard Drive.

Testing Mac Install

To test to make sure your installation of XAMPP works, follow these steps:

For MySQL:

  • 1. Open XAMPP Control.
  • 2. Click start button next to MySQL and enter your computer's admin password.
  • 3. Open up the Terminal app (Applications> Utilities)
  • 4. Find the MySQL db file (XAMPP > xampp files > bin).
  • 5. Select the file and do File > Get Info (or Apple -I).
  • 6. Copy the 'Where:' file path into the terminal and then enter /mysql -u root -p
  • 7. If you get a welcome message (the image below). MySQL is now functional.

For Apache and PHP:

  • 1. Open XAMPP Control.
  • 2. Click start button next to Apache and enter your computer's admin password.
  • 3. Type 'http://localhost/~[your user/computer's name]' into whatever web browser you use (Note: Mac OS X will read any site saved in your sites folder [Home icon with user/computer name > Sites]. Do not use the XAMPP htdocs folder).
  • 4. If you get a Mac OS X page that talks about how Mac is ready to use Apache, then your setup is successful.



Disable IIS

In Windows, if you type http://localhost and get a screen that says IIS, you'll need to disable IIS.

  • Go to Start and select Control Panel.
  • Find the option to remove a program and select it. In Windows 7, it's Start->Control Panel->Programs and Features->Uninstall or change a program.
  • A list of installed program is displayed.
  • Find Internet Information Services and uninstall it.
  • Windows might need a restart after this and it's possible you'll need to reinstall XAMPP.

Disable Skype usage of port 80 and port 443

If you have Skype installed by default, it is set up to use port 80, which is also needed by the Apache server for the HTTP requests. Apache server also uses port 443 for the HTTPS requests.

  • Open the Skype window.
  • Click on Tools menu and select Options.
  • Click on Advanced tab.
  • Go to Connection sub-tab.
  • Un-tick the check box for Use port 80 and 443 as an alternatives for incoming connections option.
  • Click on Save button and then restart Skype to make the change effective.

Unblocking XAMPP ports

Does your Apache turn on for a short time, and then turn off again? It could be because of a port conflict. Other programs can use ports needed by XMAPP.

Go to the XAMPP control panel and click the port check button. It should tell you which ports are blocked or used and the offending program using the port.

Find port conflicts

  • Go into the xampp/installdirectory.
  • Run portcheck.bat, which will output a file called portcheck.ini.
  • Examine the content of portcheck.ini file. It shows you what ports XAMPP was unable to bind to.

Find Windows processes that use conflicting ports

  • Open up a command prompt window and type:
, if you want to check the processes that are using port 443. Replace 443 with any other conflicting port number.
  • You get the process ID of the application using the port. Record the process ID(s).
  • Open up the Windows Task Manager utility with Ctrl+Shift+Esc short key, and view the processes by clicking on its tab.
  • Go to View -> Select Columns.. and select PID (process identifier) from that list.
  • If you click the PID column heading, PID numbers will arrange in ascending or descending order. Find the process ID in the PID column that matches the number you recorded in a previous step.
  • With the name of the conflicted process, you can either stop the application or change the port that XAMPP is trying to use.
    • In my case, port 443 was being used by VMWare. Since I don't want to stop VMWare's background service, I'll simply change Apache's config to use something other than port 443 by editing X:xamppapacheextrahttpd-ssl.conf

Document Root Set Up

What is a web server?

A web server is a computer program that delivers content using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and SSL-encrypted HTTP (HTTPS).

The term web server can also refer to a host computer, virtual machine, or device connected to a network and running a web server program.

Index Php File Download

XAMPP's web server program is Apache.

What is a 'document root'?

A document root is the directory from which the Apache server serves web pages.

By default, XAMPP configuration has the c:xamppapachehtdocs directory set up to be the 'document root'. It is good practice to designate another folder as 'document root', whether you do web app development or deploy a web app for production.

Refer to the Apache wiki page to learn how to create an alternative web directory and set up aliases for it.

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